Induction for beginners

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The Induction program for beginner members takes place over four consecutive Tuesday evenings, usually starting on the first Tuesday of each month. You will become a temporary member of the Club for the duration of the program. We hope you like it and extend your membership afterwards to become a full-time member!

You must be over 18 and able to swim 50 metres wearing a buoyancy aid.


  • We meet each Tuesday night at 6.30 pm at Shadwell Basin.
    • We normally gather outside the Club Office. This is marked "A" on the site plan.
    • Please sign the list before you get changed.
    • The first week does start with more discussion, but otherwise we should be ready to get on the water by 7pm.
  • We plan to be off the water around 8.30 pm so that people have time to shower and still get to the pub in time to order food.
    • The last week ends with a discussion in the pub, so you will be getting home later.


The cost of temporary membership varies seasonally and is payable on booking.

  • The fee is not refundable and no credits will be given for missed sessions.
  • For dates, availability and pricing, see the online booking page.

Induction program content

The program is based around the syllabus for the BC Discover Award but we will also cover some theory and aim for a game or two.

The overall plan is something like this:

Week 1 General introduction to the club, the kit and getting your kayak to go where you want it to go.

We end the evening with a capsize drill, so be prepared to get completely wet.

Week 2 A bit of discussion about theory and back into the kayaks for more detailed instruction on getting these things to do what you want them to do.
Week 3 An overview of different types of canoes and kayaks, with the chance to try as many different types as we can fit into the evening.

You should be able to try a sea kayak, an open canoe, a play boat and white water kayak.

Week 4 You will spend some time discussing the key points when planning a trip and look at some safety equipment. The instructor will assess the whole group - taking everyone through everything covered in the previous three weeks.

After the paddling session, the group meets again in the pub for a short session to cover the theory aspects of the syllabus.

Successful completion of this assessment will lead to you being awarded your BC Discover Award (certification sent via email) and being invited to join the Club as a full member.


We do provide the boats, the paddles, buoyancy aids and a lightweight cagoule (mainly to keep out the wind and splashes - not to keep you dry).

We do not provide wetsuits, shoes or wetsuit boots.

Please read about what you should bring on your first visit and feel free to ask any questions.

After the program

We hope you will enjoy the program and want to stay on as a full-time member. There is more information on what to do next.
