Use the booking form to check dates and availability and to book a place on our monthly induction program for beginner members. |
If you have little or no paddling experience you can attend one of our induction programs for beginner members which provide an introduction to canoeing and kayaking and are aimed to a BC Discover Award accreditation on completion.
These are run monthly (normally starting on the first Tuesday of the month) over four consecutive Tuesday evenings. The cost of temporary membership varies seasonally and is payable on booking. The fee is not refundable and no credits will be given for missed sessions.
You will need to book a place in advance for all induction programs.
You must be over 18 and able to swim 50 metres wearing a buoyancy aid.
Please come along to the club at 6.30 pm with appropriate clothes. You will get wet so bring a change of clothes and a towel. On completing the program you may continue to become a full-time member of the club (see below for membership details).
Experienced paddlers
If you are an experienced paddler (at least 2*/Explore level), you can come along for a taster session to see if you like the club. Taster sessions are held once a month and cost £15. The session includes an assessment of your personal paddling skills.
Most taster sessions will also include a BBQ where you can meet other members and learn more about the club. If you successfully pass the assessment, you will be invited to join the club. Otherwise, we will discuss development opportunities available to you through our beginner's induction programme.
If you would like to meet us before coming to a taster session, then please join us upstairs in the Prospect of Whitby pub (next to Shadwell Basin) from 9:00 pm where we socialise after paddling on Tuesdays (if you can't find us, just ask the friendly bar staff or look for people carrying paddles).
Annual membership of the club costs £60 (£30 unwaged). There is also an annual fee of £60 which covers use of the basin facilities and use of kit for all Tuesdays and any weekend trips. Temporary membership while on the induction program varies by season.
To join the club:
- Sign up to the forum. When you sign up, you provide the contact details that the club needs for membership. The forum is also a good way to find out about planned club trips, pool sessions, polo matches, social events and generally keep in touch with the other club members.
- Pay your membership subscription to the treasurer. The club treasurer can generally be found each Tuesday after paddling, upstairs in the Prospect of Whitby.
Note that this club not a business - it is run by the members, for the members. As such, members should be willing to help with the running of the club.
Members' Handbook
New club members should take time to familiarise themselves with the Members’ Handbook. This sets out the club rules and the standard of conduct that is required from members.
- Contacting us - via e-mail
- Where We Are - for our address, a map, directions.
- Who We Are - for details of the club structure and committee members.
- What We Do - for details of our activities.
- FAQ - for answers to some of the more common questions